Escape to Safelandia
What are refugees? Why are they coming here? What happens when they get here? Read this fun ‘choose your misadventure’ ...

We are all boiling frogs…
Cartoons from my regular strip in New Internationalist Magazine. We are all boiling frogs. Image description: two frogs in a pan ...

Wanna own a picture of Boris Johnson as a pile of snot?
Hello Internets. I am selling the original artwork for this, my first ever Canary political cartoon post. It’s a very ...

If the law is wrong, then break it.
Portrait of an unnamed arrested suffragette. Coloured pencil and ink on paper. February 2017 ...

A day at Dunkirk refugee camp.
“The worst refugee camp in the world” Here’s some art that I’ve worked up, potentially for the Dunkirk refugee camp ...

#ChickenCoup. The Eagle has landed!
#ChickenCoup This cartoon is a reaction to the news that Angela Eagle launched a leadership bid against Jeremy Corbyn. I ...

Read the sample: ‘Threads from the Refugee Crisis’
More threads from the refugee crisis. I have some additional material from Calais that I’m planning to incorporate into a ...

Children of Calais.
I can draw pictures. That’s something I can do. I could sort clothes in the L’Auberge du Migrants warehouse, or ...

Merry Christmas and all that.
Massive <3 to John McDonnell for defending his Who’s Who entry (“hobbies: fermenting world revolution”) on the Today programme. “Oh ...

21st Century Cop Out
A comic history of the COP climate negotiations. “I laughed so much I nearly choked.” – Susan, Indonesia. This cartoon ...

Not bad for a Sunday morning scribble.
I spent last Sunday morning drawing Jeremy Corbyn in coloured pencils (because it’s quicker than ink). I stuck it up ...

Threads. The Calais cartoon.
Eight hundred and fifty thousand people fled for their lives to Europe last year. (At least three thousand four hundred and ...

Some things are way too obvious for a cartoon. Instead, here’s a picture inspired by the Today programme’s complete inability ...

Today, in a country which is becoming rapidly more unequal, and where rising numbers of people are reliant on food ...

Welfare Queen
A cartoon to commemorate the christening of the laverly Princess Charlotte Gawd-Bless-er-Little-Cotton-Socks ...

‘Partners too’ – illustrations from the partner’s perspective
The partner’s experience is usually overlooked when women miscarry. The Miscarriage Association sought to rectify that, and commissioned these illustrations ...

‘Teens too’ – illustrations on teenage miscarriage
Another commission from the Miscarriage Association, this time tackling the stigma, judgement, assumptions and isolation that younger women suffer when ...

Birth: How monkey mama does it
A chapter from Bump The Monkey Mama chapter of Bump, how to make, grow and birth a baby will tell ...

NHS plc
They privatised the NHS. Did anyone notice yet? You can buy a printable poster version of this cartoon here ...

Let’s play Welfare Reform!
What lucky prize will you win? Higher childcare costs? Housing benefit caps? Payday loans? Workfare? Scum on down! Let’s play… ...

The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill
It’s here. It’s scary. My latest cartoon for The Spark magazine says it all ...

Fracking hell…
Imagine if our climate was destabilised by greenhouse gas emissions and severe weather events erupted all over the world, trashing ...

I don’t remember this happening before. When a UK politician dies, I don’t remember them being elevated to the status ...

In Memoriam (Thatcherism part II)
Yesterday was great. I was up, on my computer, and had compiled (well, recycled) a topical cartoon blog post by ...

This is actually, all my fault.
I get slapped awake every weekday morning by the Today programme outlining some latest Government outrage. And what I find hardest ...

Carbon Supermarket
Read my companion comic to Funny Weather. The international response to climate change can be summed up in two broad ...
Funny Weather We’re Having at the Moment…
Here is the first chapter of Funny Weather: Everything you Didn’t Want to Know About Climate Change but Probably Should ...

Big Brother
Iris scans… DNA databases… the National Identity Register… facial recognition systems… numberplate tracking… Isn’t the Surveillance State getting a bit ...

…this isn’t news.
I spent eleven days with the International Solidarity Movement in Jerusalem and the West Bank in 2002. I am not ...

This cartoon is mainly a send-up of life at Lifespan/Townhead Collective housing co-op, with some Glaneirw, some Orchardton and a ...

Ten Thousand Trees
Ten thousand words from ‘Ten Thousand Trees’, the chapter from Copse: the Cartoon Book of Tree Protesting which details the fight against the ...

What would you do for money?
A poem and artoon about global capitalism. This cartoon originally appeared in Copse: the Cartoon Book of Tree Protesting. While ...

The Battle of Brynhenllys
Brynhenllys Farm, Cwmtwrch, South Wales. Bulldozed for an opencast coal mine, October 1995. We fought them on the beeches… This ...

The eviction of Claremont Road
The Claremont Road eviction lasted from 28th November to 5th December 1994. I was there for the first 24 hours ...

The Criminal Justice Act
was the spur for my initial involvement in political activism. The Tories knew what they were doing when they criminalised ...

My first cartoon
This is my first proper cartoon. Isn’t it cute? Look, I did the lettering with brush tippex, before tippex pens ...

The Diggers of George Hill
I used to clean houses on St George’s Hill. It has changed somewhat since Gerrard Winstanley’s time ...
3 Comments on “Cartoons”
I am interested in the cartons you did on climate change for the new internationalist are they in the latest issue?
The coverage of COP 21 was online only, because it was up-to-the-minute rolling coverage. That reminds me tho, I must put it up here!
Dear Kate,
—- This seems the only possible way of contacting you —-
Two hours ago, I learnt of your cartoons published in my daily paper ‘Neues Deutschland’ on the occasion of the 150th birthday of Rosa Luxemburg. —- My congratulations!, and I am deeply impressed!
So much so that I immediately rushed to send you this note —- without bothering to look at all those other things you have done!
Yes, there is a kind of caveat: I would like to draw your attention to yet another woman’s life story which has received a boost through a book written by Ben Macintyre, ‘Agent Sonya’, and which was published in England last September. Maybe you would like to look into that book. My feeling is, however, that would be full worthy of a cartoonic treatment by your hands.
(I wll not deny that there is some relation between this woman and myself.)
I wish you all the very best for your future work!