Birth: How monkey mama does it

A chapter from Bump The Monkey Mama chapter of  Bump, how to make, grow and birth a baby will tell you everything you need to know about how natural birth functions. It is the story of all the good births from all the women throughout history, including countless numbers of your ancestors. It is a comic but it has been … Read More

NHS plc

They privatised the NHS. Did anyone notice yet? You can buy a printable poster version of this cartoon here.    

Let’s play Welfare Reform!

What lucky prize will you win? Higher childcare costs? Housing benefit caps? Payday loans? Workfare? Scum on down! Let’s play…

Fracking hell…

Imagine if our climate was destabilised by greenhouse gas emissions and severe weather events erupted all over the world, trashing crops, wiping out wildlife and killing people… Imagine the international response was nothing more meaningful than a promise to maybe keep discussing the problem, generating more hot air… And the national response was to bury our collective heads in the … Read More


I don’t remember this happening before. When a UK politician dies, I don’t remember them being elevated to the status of royalty. I don’t ever recall a £10million public funeral with full military honours , Parliament being recalled for an entire day of eulogising and a nice fat expenses cheque for each MP. When Winston Churchill died, Parliament dedicated half … Read More

In Memoriam (Thatcherism part II)

Yesterday was great. I was up, on my computer, and had compiled (well, recycled) a topical cartoon blog post by 10.30 am. Leaving me a whole day to get on with my actual work of graphic novel writing. Then the news breaks that Mrs Thatcher has died. Which is cartoon gold. I bring you the following image in solemn remembrance … Read More

The Lego cartoon.

It all starts with hoovering. Bloody hoovering. Where will it end?