These two cartoons, unfortunately, never get old.
…this isn’t news.
I spent eleven days with the International Solidarity Movement in Jerusalem and the West Bank in 2002. I am not about to claim that this gave me a thorough knowledge of the conflict there, but it did give me a snapshot of life in an occupied nation. The bureaucratic complexity of Palestinian oppression by the Israeli state really hit home. … Read More
What would you do for money?
A poem and artoon about global capitalism. This cartoon originally appeared in Copse: the Cartoon Book of Tree Protesting. While we’re on the subject, what would I do for money? This.
My first cartoon
This is my first proper cartoon. Isn’t it cute? Look, I did the lettering with brush tippex, before tippex pens were heard of, or photoshop. I got this printed as a postcard and put it in some shops in Brighton. Some time in the following century, my sister saw this postcard on an Australian lesbian TV drama, propped against the … Read More
Website Design
Thanks to Lisa Cole at Naked Website, my marvellous webmistress. You too can employ her, tho I think she has a waiting list, because she is great. (Btw, she didn’t write this post, I did.)
The Diggers of George Hill
I used to clean houses on St George’s Hill. It has changed somewhat since Gerrard Winstanley’s time.