
Today, in a country which is becoming rapidly more unequal, and where rising numbers of people are reliant on food banks, including those in work, the Government reveals exactly how they are booting more people into the poverty trap (that they abolished the definition of last week). – People claiming tax credits used to be able to earn £6480 a … Read More

Let’s play Welfare Reform!

What lucky prize will you win? Higher childcare costs? Housing benefit caps? Payday loans? Workfare? Scum on down! Let’s play…

Fracking hell…

Imagine if our climate was destabilised by greenhouse gas emissions and severe weather events erupted all over the world, trashing crops, wiping out wildlife and killing people… Imagine the international response was nothing more meaningful than a promise to maybe keep discussing the problem, generating more hot air… And the national response was to bury our collective heads in the … Read More